Saturday 23 February 2008

Not Friday gone but the Friday before, we had a job to do. For reasons I won't go into, we needed to replace the chassis on one of our core switches. It took several hours, 'cos we took the opportunity to tidy the cabling. Now it looks like this.


We replaced pretty much every cable, and now apart from a few that are known to be temporary and are visually very obvious, they're all 'patchsee' cables. (It's really rather neat. They run a couple of strands of optical fibre through the cable see, and shining a special little torch on one end makes the other end light up. V. Handy).

This took 6 hours, all told (including lunch and fag breaks), and we're pretty happy with it.

I'm gonna try to remember to take monthly pics, and watch the entropy.

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