Friday, 28 March 2008


Delivered yesterday, by a nice man from DHL, a spanky new little eeepc. First impressions so far.

This is, without a doubt, the most integrated Linux box I've ever used. I've opened it up, gone through the little quickstart guide, and was up a running in five minutes. Startup time is good, less than 30 seconds from power up to being able to use it. Nice.

Nothing to write home about so far. I've only browsed and run IM (for twitter, of course) yet, (I've run aptitude update and aptitude upgrade, of course).

It's a pretty happy circumstance when linux on a laptop just works without any, yknow, WORK. In my experience, at least.


  • See about getting it to use the blackberry as a modem.
  • See if I can get it running as a VPN client. This will make the difference between a nice little toy and a machine I can realistically use for work.
Anyway, it's a sweet little thing.

On another note entirely - me mother was round most of yesterday, and by the time she left I had no kitchen sink. There's a big hole where it used to be. H and Tornado Boy are coming home tomorrow afternoon. The man at the builder's merchant has apparently said it will arrive today. So, assuming all goes to plan, we'll have a new kitchen installed by the time they get home. D'you see the potential problem there?

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