Sunday, 23 March 2008

Brummie Twits part two

Well, that was a start. But a bit broke and it doesn't seem to update in a bloglines feed or anywhere.

On to mark 2. This time it's a twitterbot, name of @mawhin_bot1, whom I have chained to the computer and is searching for brummies. ( If by brummies you're prepared to accept anyone in the west midlands conurbation. Call us what you will ).

It's doing a couple of things I thought were interesting.

  • It's using XMPP. I can get a pretty decent feed of 'tracked' terms over XMPP, something I just can't do using twitter's REST API.
  • It's using the twittervision API for determining location.

A coupla things to do:

  • Add support for @dangerday, a twitter version of fireeagle.
  • perhaps add support for using 'whois' over IM. But that's gonna be harder. And I don't know that it will add any further data that twittervision.
  • Build reflection, so @mawhin_bot1 reflects everything said by those it follows. Or possibly this could be another twitter user. Thoughts on this would be welcome.


lisibo said...

How bizarre! Very clever bot you've got there! I will accept being labelled as a Brummie - can't say the same for some inhabitants of this Royal Town though ;o)

Anonymous said...

Just because I'm from the W Mids does not mean I'm a Brummie! I'm Black Country ;)

mawhin said...

Why thank you! Both on the bizzare and clever fronts.

You'll note, I'm sure, that I've changed the announcement out of respect for those who'd not be pleased to be hailed a brummie.